Excerpt From Creativity Magazine
"More than any other commercial director, the South African born Leslie Dektor has
defined the zeitgeist. His trademarks are realism, moving cameras, heavily adapted
scripts, unorthodox working methods and characters off the street - techniques that,
through heavy imitation, have quickly faded into commercial conformity. His aim has
always been to portray the human condition.
After taking his directing techniques to its jagged edge, dragging a host of imitators
behind him, Leslie Dektor has come full circle, back to the lyricism of his early years in the
US - a return to painting the picture. Painting moments is a subject Dektor knows a lot
about. It displays Dektor's painterly talent for landscapes and lighting. His commercials
are full of such sweet nothings. He is a man who has a very personal vision.
He loves people and he loves life and the small things in life. He sees a lot of sadness,
happiness, and bitter-sweetness. He tries to give it all a message of dignity."